Task 1: What should parents do to help their children to succeed in school?
本題需結合實際生活經驗進行答題,切入點是children succeed in the school。可以先列舉哪些事能夠幫助孩子在學校里“成功”。比如:督促完成作業(yè)(help supervise the children to finish his homework)或者幫助孩子解答一些可能遇到的疑問(answer some questions that the children might have),更為廣泛的方面可以談一談以身作則(try to show their kids how to be a good student),結合舉例法可以非常容易地填充內容和時間。
Q: What should parents do to help their children to succeed in school?
A: Well I think the best thing that parents can do to help their children succeed in school is to play the role of a teaching assistant. They should make sure that their kids finish their homework on time and try their best to answer any questions that their kids might have. For example when I was little, my mother used to teach me a little English. I learned most of the things at school but I still need revisions at home. My mom was there with to make sure that I read and recite all the required passages and I’m very grateful for my mom’s supervision. She can also answer some of my questions instantly and having someone companied while studying makes me feel that I’m not alone.
Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: all students should attend social activities such as join a club or a sports team in school.
支持的一方可以有如下理由:學習生活本身是單調的,從事不同的社團活動有助于學生轉換思維開發(fā)智力(to learn in a balanced and comprehensive manner),培養(yǎng)更為全面的學生(not only good at study but also have good mental and physical health)等等。舉身邊例子亦可。
反對意見則可以說應當尊重每個學生自己的選擇(respect their own choices),學校不應該對于習慣專注于學習的學生強迫其參與課外活動。課外活動應當本著個人的興趣,不是所有學生都適合參加課外活動;蛘哒f課外活動會影響學生學習的專注度(serve as a distraction to students),導致學生本末倒置,在學業(yè)方面受到影響(influence their academic performance)。
Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: all students should attend social activities such as join a club or a sports team in school.
A: I support the idea that clubs and sports activities are important for all students. Our society has put too much emphasis on the scores and academic performances of a student, but in my opinion a good student should be much more comprehensive. I’ve seen many students who are good at getting high scores for their tests, but have rather poor communication skills and can’t deliver their ideas to others due to their lack of experience in group activities. If they had taken part in clubs and sports activities, where they’d be able to learn to work with people and acquire necessary communication skills, they would possibly be more adept at speaking and presenting, and become more open. Learning things other than academic skills should be equally important if one hopes to live independently in the society.
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